The R.E.A.L. Foundation Trust (RFT) has been allocated a grant from the Nottinghamshire County Council COVID-19 Community Fund to help support learners and their families during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The £2,000 grant has been used to support the work being done to provide meals, food parcels and essential items to a number of R.E.A.L. learners and their families.
Chris O’Brien, Project Development Manager at R.E.A.L. Education said: “This is just one of the ways that the teams at R.E.A.L. have stepped up to support learners and their families both in and out of our normal term times. This grant will help us to continue to provide this much needed support during these unprecedented times.
“Thank you Nottinghamshire County Council.”
The R.E.A.L. Foundation Trust strives to create a continuum of excellence in education that spreads beyond the school or academy gate and allows those who may struggle in a mainstream setting to reach their potential.
For more information about the work of the R.E.A.L. Foundation Trust, and how you can help to support this fantastic charity, please click here.