The R.E.A.L Foundation Trust is dependent on support from the local business community, local charities and larger funding bodies, donors and philanthropic organisations.
The work we do could not take place without this support.
We would like to offer our upmost thanks and appreciation to the following organisations…
Our core funder to date is R.E.A.L Education who not only provide funds and resources to help run the charity but helps us achieve our aims and objectives in the work they do with young people.
Children in Need have provided the R.E.A.L Foundation Trust with a grant to allow our befriending service to operate holiday camps and 1-1 sessions over three years. The project also includes a counselling service for young people, a careers guidance and advice centre and a parent and carers group.
The Mansfield Building Society donated a generous grant to convert a decommissioned County Council Mobile Library bus into a mobile classroom to help us work in more remote communities.
The Savoy Educational Trust has has provided two grants to purchase equipment to create vocational training kitchens for two sites in Mansfield.
The Sir John Eastwood Foundation provided a grant to bring the community sports hall floor back to life in our new community academy at the Pleasley Landmark Centre.
The Co-op Community Outreach fund has enabled the Trust to provide community coffee mornings using our training kitchens / cafe as a venue, helping reduce loneliness and isolation for local residents and improving the experience of our catering students.
Notts YMCA and Youth Music have partnered with R.E.A.L to deliver music projects to local YMCA residents and R.E.A.L’s befriending service, using the current Music provision in Mansfield. A strong, positive partnership we hope continues.
The Charles Waterfield Donation has allowed the R.E.A.L Foundation Trust to embark on its most inspiring project to date. The redevelopment of Pleasleys Landmark Centre, into a community health and well being academy.
We would also like to offer our thanks to who have provided us with a generous prize donation for the 2021 R.E.A.L Foundation Trust annual charity golf tournament.