The R.E.A.L Foundation Trust seeks to build resilience and self-esteem in young people and their communities
We have learnt that one of the most effective ways to do this are to enhance and develop facilities into modern, practical and inspiring environments
Our key main drivers are the 3E’s:
– Working positively with others
– Creating new opportunities and experiences
– Nurturing the wider environment both physical and social
Community cafe and hospitality training planned for Pleasley Landmark Centre
The R.E.A.L Foundation Trust provides programmes and community projects that have a lasting impact, starting with individual and community understanding, then moving to exceptional planning and delivery, with continuous review and feedback.
The Trust has invested heavily and also secured part-funding to develop new projects that will help involve young people in building community well being. We also aim to strengthen our offer by making more of our programmes and facilities available to the wider community.
We want our wider community to enjoy success. We know that education is at the heart of positive change, whether for individuals or communities. We understand that for projects to be effective we need realistic, engaging activity and creative ways to include and inspire.