The R.E.A.L FUTURE project is an 3 year initiative funded by Children in Need. It enables us to offer a wrap of complementary care to the students of R.E.A.L and to young people in the wider community.

The project includes:
- A Counselling and Well being Service
We offer 1-1 counselling sessions for individual clients. This helps young people understand the world around them and empowers them to make positive changes.
- A Befriending Service
Our group enrichment befriending sessions allow a supported transition from 1-1 befriending to small group activity. Some great sessions have taken place so far… den building, bowling competitions, craft sessions and even the opportunity to watch some quality football at Mansfield Town F.C.
- A Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Service
Our Careers Service helps young people make the daunting step into the world of work after compulsory education ends. With an astonishing success rate of moving young people into positive destinations, our small team organise work placements, industry and career weeks, interview practice and corporate involvement. This gives every opportunity to experience work before ‘Day 1’ begins.
- Holiday Clubs
Holiday Clubs allow young people throughout the community to access our venues and resources. We will be offering clubs at Sports, Music, Creative Digital and a number of trade based sites, giving young people purpose and engagement throughout the school holidays.
- A Parent and Carers Group
Our parent and carer group allows the adults to come together and discuss concerns and champion progress. It helps maintain confidence at home which supports the day to day achievements made by young people.