On Sunday 15th September, a team of staff members from across R.E.A.L. Education took part in the Mansfield 5K Fun Run.
There was a great turnout on the day, with 100% of R.E.A.L. runners completing the course.
All of the R.E.A.L. runners were raising money for the R.E.A.L. Foundation Trust, which this year is focusing on supporting and developing R.E.A.L.’s Befriending Services.
The R.E.A.L. Befriending Service works to support children and young people from 8 to 18 years. It provides 1:1 befriending support out of school hours, on weekends and during school holidays. At the heart of the service is the provision of a safe space for young people to develop their social and independent skills, to have fun, relax and to provide respite for the rest of the family.
The runners have raised over £500 for the R.E.A.L. Foundation Trust so far, with more money still to come in!
Chris O’Brien from R.E.A.L. Education who coordinated the team said: “It was an amazing day – everyone ran well and the R.E.A.L. team looked fantastic in their dedicated vests!
“Thank you also to family and friends for coming down to support us.”
It’s not too late to support the team and the R.E.A.L. Foundation Trust! Donations to the R.E.A.L. Foundation Trust can be made by clicking on this link.